DevShop Git Repo Management

The Megarepo

Many components of the devshop framework are included in one single "megarepo".

This page documents how to add new components that need to be split up into separate git repos, and how to import existing git repos into new components.

Secondary Repos


DevShop is a DevOps framework. It contains many components that work independently.

These components are pushed out to other git repos as Composer Packages.

Adding new Components

To add a new component follow these steps:

  1. Pick a name for the component. Try to use two words, CamelCase. A component

    can include many classes, so group them logically.

  2. Create a new directory in ./src/DevShop/Component using the component name.

  3. Copy the ./src/DevShop/Templates/ComponentTemplate folderinto . src/DevShop/Component and rename it.

  4. Add a the component code. This folder will become a standalone Composer package.

  5. Follow the direction of the symfony/symfony repository. See the Process Component for an example of best practices.

  6. Create a git repository on GitHub:

    1. Select devshop-packages as the owner.

    2. Add the same purpose statement from the to the Description field.

    3. Format the repository name by converting CamelCase ComponentName to component-name.

    4. Set it to Public.

    5. DO NOT SELECT Initialize this repository with a README, Add .gitigire or Add a license. The GitSplit tool will populate this repo.

    6. Press "Create Repository" to create the new git repo.

  7. Add the package name to the replace section of devshop/composer.json. If the component is required by the devshop CLI, add it to require instead as "devshop/component-name": "*".

  8. Add the Secondary Repository information to the config.git-split.repos section of the main devshop/composer.json file.

    Use the path within the opendevshop/devshop repo to the component as the key of the array element, and the git repo URL as the value.

    It should look something like this:

     "extra": {
         "git-split": {
             "repos": {
                 "src/DevShop/Component/GitSplit": "",
                 "devmaster": "",
                 "roles/opendevshop.apache": "",
                 "roles/opendevshop.devmaster": "",
                 "roles/opendevshop.users": ""
  9. Create a new branch from develop and push it:

     $ git checkout -b component/php/component-name
     $ git push -u origin component/php/component-name

    Use the branch naming convention component/php/git-split.

    NOTE: GitHub now provides a direct link to the "Create Pull Request" page after you push a new branch. Look for this in the output of the first git push command on a new branch.

GitHub Actions: Automated Git Split

As soon as you push this new branch, (even before you submit a pull request), GitHub Actions will run our workflows on your branch. Check the GitHub Actions page on the DevShop Repo for the Git Management workflow results.

  1. Once you feel your component is read for review by the DevShop Team, submit a Pull Request!

Merging in external repos

If a component repo exists already, you can merge it in with the git subtree command.

Create a new branch from develop first, then pull in the tree:

    git checkout -b component/TYPE/NAME develop
    git subtree add --prefix=$PATH_IN_REPO https://$GIT_URL $BRANCH

Then submit a PR against develop branch.

See for a good explanation.

List of Components

This list is changing rapidly. We'll try to keep it up to date with status.

Component: GitSplit

  1. GitSplit - Composer command and bin script to run splitsh-lite. This is used to split the monorepo.

Follow Symfony

Symfony solved how to build a big repo with many components.

Refer to Symfony/symfony codebase for examples.

Useful examples include:

Last updated